by admin | Jan 8, 2022 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
The magic of symbolism! Symbolism in novels matter. They bring layered, nuanced ideas, emotions, characterization, and more to a story. Does your novel or story have symbolism? Does it need symbolism to add depth and complexity? Even objects in your home are full of... by admin | Jan 6, 2022 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
#literaryconflict#storyconflict #storyconflictideas Great plots need lots of conflict. Are you bringing all the different kinds? Because there are a lot of different kinds of conflict. Why does a great novel need lots of conflict? Conflict improves your story’s... by admin | Jan 6, 2022 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
Writing inspiration. How important is it? Where does a writer get it? Do you need to be inspired to write? Are you making excuses why you can’t finish your manuscript? Are you waiting for inspiration? Are you writing a book or a novel? This episode discusses... by admin | Jan 4, 2022 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
Writing a novel is a challenge. Especially if you work full-time. And that includes staying home to take care of children and loved ones. I love to write, but there is simply not enough time in the day to write as much as I want because….life! How do I find time... by admin | Jan 4, 2022 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
You wrote a novel! The beginning of the story is great! The ending is amazing. But the middle lags. What do you do? This is a common beginner writer problem. The slow middle. The lagging plot. How do you write a better story? Write a page-turning story? Keep the... by admin | Jan 2, 2022 | Author Advice, Autumn Bardot Interviews, Write A Book, Writing Tips
#historicalfictionchat #historicalfictiondiscussion #historicalfictionresearch Four historical fiction authors talk food and how they integrate into their historical fiction. What did they eat in ancient times? Or medieval? Or even 5O years ago? You might be...