Writer Traits | Writing Changed Me

Writing changed me and changed my life. Writing and authoring can’t help but change someone for good and for the not so good. Embracing your creative side and imagination helps you be fully you.

In this personal video, I share how writing changed me in many profound ways.

Find all my books, social media, and/or get new episodes sent to your inbox at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot

#writingcommunity #writingcharacteristics #writingchallenges

Overwriting | Don’t Do It

Beginner writers tend to overwrite.  Do you write  long sentences,? Do you use flowery words? Or do you like to show off your college level vocabulary?  Fancy, big words slow down a story and often comes off as elitist and pompous. It’s also confusing and takes the reader out of the story.  
Remember,  it’s about the story, not the scholarly vocabulary.  

 In this episode, I share why you don’t want to use big, confusing words and vocabulary. Write better. Write a great story.   
? Find all my books, social media links, and/or get new episodes sent to your inbox at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot 
✅ GREAT READ “Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell  
#overwriting #beginnerwriter #writingproblems #authorpodcast #writingpodcast

Literary Symbolism | Fire Symbolism and Water Symbolism

Fire symbolism and water symbolism are two huge are literary symbols. Their meanings stem from a myriad of religious beliefs, legends, and myths. Fire symbolism and water symbolism represent a universe of power, destruction, ambiguity, duality, and divinity. Whether earthly or otherworldly, these forces of nature are feared and loved with equal fervor.

No wonder authors love playing with their multiple meanings in poetry and literature. There’s so many ways to use them to amplify character, emotion, conflict, and theme. Remember, symbolism is never ‘this means that.’

Symbols and their layered meanings act as a diving board into a deep pool of emotional, psychological, spiritual, cultural, and intellectual dynamics that YOU decide how to mold and manipulate. It’s just one more tool for your writing toolbox.

? Find The Magic of Symbolism: Enrich Your Writing with Hidden Meaning at https://autumnbardot.com/my-books/

? Find my books, social media, and/or get new episodes sent to your inbox at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot



#literarysymbolism #typesofsymbolism #firesymbolism #watersymbolism

Symbolic Objects in Literature

The magic of symbolism! Symbolism in novels matter. They bring layered, nuanced ideas, emotions, characterization, and more to a story. Does your novel or story have symbolism? Does it need symbolism to add depth and complexity?

Even objects in your home are full of symbolism. Common objects and ordinary things like books and bowls. Symbolism is never ‘this means that.’ Symbols and their layered meanings act as a diving board into a deep pool of emotional, psychological, spiritual, cultural, and intellectual dynamics that YOU decide how to mold and manipulate. It’s just one more tool for your writing toolbox.

WARNING! Including symbolic language in an effort to sound literary adds nothing to your story. But when the story warrants it, the writer can open up their symbolism toolbox to add depth, nuance, and context to enrich characters, scenes, foreshadowing, plot, and emotions.

This episode is the first in the 2-part series about using symbolism in your story.

8 symbolic common household symbolic objects

  • book symbolism
  • bowl symbolism
  • box symbolism
  • fan symbolism
  • broom symbolism
  • hearth symbolism
  • key symbolism
  • knife symbolism

? Thee Magic of Symbolism: Enhance Your Writing with Hidden Meaning can be found at: https://autumnbardot.com/my-books/

#literarysymbolism #commonsymbolsinliterature #typesofsymbolism

Types of Story Conflict

#literaryconflict#storyconflict #storyconflictideas

Great plots need lots of conflict. Are you bringing all the different kinds? Because there are a lot of different kinds of conflict.

Why does a great novel need lots of conflict? Conflict improves your story’s themes, rising action, characterization, and characters’ emotions. The more your characters struggle the better.

Write a great story, write like a pro, and bring on the conflict. This episode takes a look the basic story conflict categories and dives deep into more story conflict ideas. Find story conflict ideas here!

#literaryconflict#storyconflict #storyconflictideas

Inspiration | Why You Don’t Need It

 Writing inspiration. How important is it? Where does a writer get it? Do you need to be inspired to write? Are you making excuses why you can’t finish your manuscript? Are you waiting for inspiration? Are you writing a book or a novel?

This episode discusses why you don’t need inspiration to write. And why it’s not a good idea to depend on it.

? Find all my books, social media links, and/or get new episodes sent to your inbox at https://lnktr.ee/AutumnBardot

#writinginspiration #writingmotivation #writerproblems #writingyoutube

Writing While Working Full-Time

Writing a novel is a challenge. Especially if you work full-time. And that includes staying home to take care of children and loved ones. I love to write, but there is simply not enough time in the day to write as much as I want because….life! How do I find time to write, work a full-time job, and be a mom and wife? It’s not about finding time to write. It’s about stealing every moment you can.

In this episode, I share 8 tips that helped me write nine novels ( now 11 since this video aired) and still have a life. ? Find all my books and social media at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot

? Get new episodes sent to your inbox at http://www.autumnbardot.com/newsletter/

#writertimemanagement #writeanovel #writingyoutube


Put more Lift into Your Rising Action

You wrote a novel! The beginning of the story is great! The ending is amazing. But the middle lags. What do you do? This is a common beginner writer problem. The slow middle. The lagging plot. How do you write a better story? Write a page-turning story? Keep the middle of the story riveting?

My answer: Put more story in your story. It’s easy! In this episode, I share 9 tips to put more lift into your rising action.

? Find all my books and social media links at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot

? Get show notes and new episodes sent to your inbox at http://www.autumnbardot.com/newsletter/


#risingaction #plotbetter #plotconflict #writingyoutube

Facebook Zoom Interview Tips

Yay! You got that interview! Now is a great time to market yourself, promote your books and novels, grow your readership, and gain more exposure. Make the most of that Zoom, Youtube, and FaceBook interview.

Bad lighting, unflattering angles, and awkward backgrounds will distract the viewer from your message. Put your best author face forward! In this episode, I share tips to improve your social media face time!

? Get show notes at Club Autumn on FaceBook.

? Find all my books and social media at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot

? Get new episodes delivered to your inbox at http://www.autumnbardot.com/newletter/

#zoomtips #authormarketingtips #authorinterview

Social Media for Writers

Writers need social media. Beginner and novice writers need social media. Experienced writers need social media. Bestselling authors need social media. Social media helps writers get discovered, grow their platform, and share their knowledge.

In this episode, I share 10 social media tips to level up your social media game. Don’t avoid social media, writers. Build your writer network, author community, and readership.

? Find all my books and social media links at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot

? Get new episodes sent to your inbox at http://www.autumnbardot.com/newsletter/

#authorfacebooktips #authorsocialmediatips #authoryoutube