by admin | Dec 31, 2021 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
Intentions, resolutions, goals…whatever you call them, they keep us accountable and focused. At least that’s the plan. In this episode, I review my 2021 writing intentions ( or resolutions) to see how successful–or not–I was. I also discuss my... by admin | Dec 31, 2021 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
Novel descriptions. How many do you have? Do you love writing descriptions? Me too. But be careful! Too many descriptions can slow down your story. Are you writing descriptions for the right plot, conflict, and characterization reasons? In this writing episode I share... by admin | Dec 16, 2021 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
One of the most frequent new writer problems is writers using vague adjectives instead of specific, sensory, or emotion-packed words. How big is big? What makes something amazing? Does your story have a case of The Vague Adjective? Vague words are okay for first... by admin | Dec 9, 2021 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
#writerwishlist #giftsforwriters Writing is a solitary, in-your-head activity. But creativity is often boosted when we have the write creative tools or surroundings. This episode is about swoon worthy gifts for writers and authors. Whether they’re affordable... by admin | Dec 2, 2021 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
The revision process is a challenge. One new writer problem: Writing a whole lot words that go no where and serve no purpose. Write like a pro. Each sentence, each paragraph, and each scene should show and amplify your plot, characterization, conflict, and...