Why Writers Fail

Why do writers fail? Why do they give up writing their novel, story, screenplay, or book? It comes down to not having any or not having enough motivation and perseverance. Lacking motivation and perseverance makes writing a book or writing the next book a huge...

Overwriting | Don’t Do It

Beginner writers tend to overwrite.  Do you write  long sentences,? Do you use flowery words? Or do you like to show off your college level vocabulary?  Fancy, big words slow down a story and often comes off as elitist and pompous. It’s also confusing and takes...

Symbolic Objects in Literature

The magic of symbolism! Symbolism in novels matter. They bring layered, nuanced ideas, emotions, characterization, and more to a story. Does your novel or story have symbolism? Does it need symbolism to add depth and complexity? Even objects in your home are full of...