There are lots of wonderful blogs, books, and videos that provide a step by step process to write a novel. This isn’t one of them.

Instead, this is my personal writing log. In real time. My method works for me ( so far ) and I’m systematic and organized: however, the method, the process, can get messy and frustrating. I never know what snafus– plot or real life–the day will throw at me. I work a full-time job and don’t have the luxury of writing all day long. Writing while working–it’s a challenge that many of us face. I’ve written 11 books, 10 of them fiction, which means my writing process evolved over time and is now pretty consistent. I know what to do at each step, but there’s SO MUCH MORE that goes into each part of the writing process.

Join me as I chronicle writing my next book. I’ll keep it real, honest, and personal. 


#writingprocess #howtowriteanovel #writersmind