Eye Symbolism

Eyes are powerful symbols. The mere glance glimmer gawk gaze ogle glare bore focus beam sparkle peek peer look goggle gape leer (did I miss any?) reveals a character’s emotions. No wonder the eyes are the windows of the soul. But there’s more to eyes than…well, meets...

16 Fast First Draft Tips

 First drafts might just be the toughest draft for writers. It can seem overwhelming. Many beginner writers end up frustrated because they focus on too many things. The result? A very slow first draft. Write faster. Get that first draft written. Revise later. Stop...

10 Research Tips

Writers research. It’s what we do. Sometimes it’s overwhelming. Make it easy and save yourself headaches during the revision process with these 10 research tips. Save all your research in a logical and easy to access way. I realized that using the same...