Symbolic Architecture

The roof overhead. The window your main character gazes through. The threshold walked across. The door opened. Or slammed shut. Structural features may be used symbolically to (1) foreshadow, (2) reveal character, (3) provide conflict, (4) a amplify conflict, and ( 5)...

Taking the Plunge

I took the plunge five years ago!  Into novel writing. Into leaving my comfort zone. Into social media. Into taking risks. Into learning new techno platforms. Into rejection. The plunge has been long and deep and quite bracing. But I’ll tell you this, I’m never...

Stories Beget Stories

One thing often inspires another. Be it buying a new dress, decorating your house, planning a meal, or even a quick trip to the grocery store! Writing a story is no different. Lucky for me, the release date for Legends of Lust~ Erotic Myths from around the World is...