7 Tips for Writing a Sexy Scene

 A steamy story. A classic bodice ripper. A risqué passage. A sweet romance. A naughty erotica. We love reading them. Writing a sexy scene for a novel can go from the mild to XXX erotica! The best sexy scenes are yummy! The poorly written sex scenes are cringe-worthy.

Make sure to get more sizzle and purpose from each scene. Whether you’re writing a novel with a little or a lot of sexual content, this episode is about the why and how of a great sex scene. And the things to consider before writing that sexy scene.

❤️ Want more about writing great sex scenes? Find a lengthier, 40-minute discussion about writing sexy scenes at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feTbVqnV4Mc&t=1s

❤️ Get new episodes sent to our inbox at http://www.autumnbardot.com/newsletter/

❤️ Find all my books links ( from mild to XXX spicy ) and social media at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot

#romancewriting #writingyoutube #sexscenewriting

Eye Symbolism

Eyes are powerful symbols. The mere glance glimmer gawk gaze ogle glare bore focus beam sparkle peek peer look goggle gape leer (did I miss any?) reveals a character’s emotions. No wonder the eyes are the windows of the soul. But there’s more to eyes than…well, meets the eye.

Symbolism is never ‘this means that.’ Symbols and their layered meanings act as a diving board into a deep pool of emotional, psychological, spiritual, cultural, and intellectual dynamics that YOU decide how to mold and manipulate. It’s just one more tool for your writing toolbox.

This episode looks at ancient eye symbolism, symbolic eye colors, and the emotion in someone’s eyes. Look at your characters with new eyes!

? Find all my books, social media links, and/or get new episodes sent to your inbox at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot


 #eyesymbolism #writeabetternovel #symbolisminbooks #authoryoutube

16 Fast First Draft Tips

 First drafts might just be the toughest draft for writers. It can seem overwhelming. Many beginner writers end up frustrated because they focus on too many things. The result? A very slow first draft. Write faster. Get that first draft written. Revise later. Stop reading and rewriting your first few chapters!

In this episode, I share my fast first draft tips.

? Find all my books, social media links, and get new episodes sent to your inbox at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot


1. Have an outline.

2. Figure out what POV and tense resonates with your story.

3. Get the story out of your head.

4. Be ready for that first chapter.

5. Don’t stress about punctuation.

6. Don’t stress over grammar.

7. Don’t stress about imagery, symbols, mood, and mood.

8. Don’t stress about showing vs telling.

9. Put in temporary chapter breaks.

10. Stop writing in the middle of a scene.

11. Forget the thesaurus.

12. Drop the URL and go.

13. Don’t compare your speed to others.

14. Find a font and size that works best for you.

15. Do not wait for the muse.

16. Frustration, impatience, and self doubt is normal. Go with it and use it.

#firstdrafttips #writefaster #beginnerwriter

10 Research Tips

Writers research. It’s what we do. Sometimes it’s overwhelming. Make it easy and save yourself headaches during the revision process with these 10 research tips. Save all your research in a logical and easy to access way.

I realized that using the same research methods I teach my students for writing term papers, and essays , works perfectly for writing a novel.

In this episode, I share the research tips. Write faster. Write smarter. Don’t lose you research.

1. Make a timeline.

2. Keep a binder.

3. Use Pinterest to save websites and pictures.

4. Embed urls into your manuscript.

5. Use in-text citations.

6. Purchase research books if possible.

7. Create charts.

8. Use primary sources when possible.

9. While browsing on your phone, email urls to yourself. 10.

Use Wiki as a diving board.

 #researchnovels #authorshelpingwriters

14 Writing Challenges | Author Humor

 Writing a book comes with problems. Author struggles. Beginner writing issues. Writing frustrations. Writers feel angst, panic, euphoria, creative outbursts, and self-doubt. No wonder writers have emotional meltdowns. ?

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a special therapist just for writers? So just for fun and to make you smile, I came up with 14 writing diseases. Because sometimes a bit of writing humor is all we need. ? Do you have any? Or do you have another kinds? Let me know! Drop a comment.

? Find all my books, social media links, and/or get new episodes sent to your inbox at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot


#writinginspiration #writingprobems #beginnerwriter


7 da Vincian Principles for Writers

Writing inspiration from a genius. Discover how these 7 principles from Leonardo da Vinci will help you be a better writer. Improve your writing. Think better. Think smarter.

Use your experiences to write a story. Write better. Write faster. Write a great novel.

( Forgive my Italian pronunciation.)


  • 1. Curiosita
  • 2. Dimonstrazione
  • 3. Senzazione
  • 4. Sfumato
  • 5. Arte/Scienza
  • 6. Corporalita
  • 7. Connessione

#writeabook #writingadvice #writinginspiration #authoryoutube

Literary Symbolism | Symbolic Housewares Part 2

The magic of symbolism! Symbolism in novels matter. They bring layered, nuanced ideas, emotions, characterization, and more to a story. Does your novel or story have symbolism? Does it need symbolism to add depth and complexity? Even objects in your home are full of symbolism. Common objects and ordinary things like books and bowls.

Symbolism is never ‘this means that.’ Symbols and their layered meanings act as a diving board into a deep pool of emotional, psychological, spiritual, cultural, and intellectual dynamics that YOU decide how to mold and manipulate. It’s just one more tool for your writing toolbox.

WARNING! Including symbolic language in an effort to sound literary adds nothing to your story. But when the story warrants it, the writer can open up their symbolism toolbox to add depth, nuance, and context to enrich characters, scenes, foreshadowing, plot, and emotions. This episode is the 2nd in the 2-part series about using symbolism in your story.

? Thee Magic of Symbolism: Enhance Your Writing with Hidden Meaning can be found at: https://autumnbardot.com/my-books/

? Find my books social media links, and/or get new episodes delivered to your inbox at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot 

#literarysymbolism #commonsymbolsinliterature #typesofsymbolism

7 Deadly Sins of Writing

 Writing struggles. Writing problems. Bad writing habits. What are the 7 deadly sins of writing? You might be surprised. Don’t get trapped in writing hell.

In this episode, I look at the deadly sins of writing — 7 writing problems — and how a writer can actually use them for good. Write better. Author smarter. Write faster. Write a great novel.

Find all my books, social media links, and/or get new episodes sent to your inbox at https://linktr.ee/AutumnBardot


#writingproblems #beginnerwriter #writinginspiration