by admin | May 4, 2022 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
There are many traits that make a character evil, so make sure to include the evil traits that will help foreshadow and emphasize the villain in your story. Everyone loves a villain–the badder the better–and readers love to hate them, but writing them can... by admin | Apr 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
Do you want to write a novel in the Tudor era and need some great advice and tips? Tudor author, Janet Wertman, discusses all things Tudor historical fiction and also shares some funny historical snafus and conundrums. by admin | Apr 20, 2022 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
Want to write novel? Don’t know how to get started? Have you always wanted to write a novel? Many people do. The trick is starting it. Not thinking about it. Not putting it off until ‘some day.’ You may be surprised how easy it can be to start... by admin | Apr 13, 2022 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
Write what you know. That’s the advice of many authors. Is it good writing advice? Does it limit what writers can write about? It sure sounds like it! A story has conflict, characters, a character arc, and emotions all mixed into a great plot. Do we know... by admin | Apr 6, 2022 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
Are you a new or beginner writer? Is this your first novel? Then one of the best things you can do is to hire the services of a developmental editor. They are instrumental in helping, guiding, and offering suggestions for improving your manuscript. A developmental...