Find More Time to Write

 Do you work a full-time job? if you’re a writer with a full-time job it can be a challenge to find or make more time to write. Not only do we need to find time to write a novel, writers need to build a platform, network with other writers, and get on social...

Book Reviews | Author Advice

Should you read reviews of your book? Some authors do. Others refuse. Some just take an occasional peek. When I first started out I read every single book review. Now there are only a few kinds of reviews that I read. Of course, every writer and author feels...

My Writing Process

New writers love to ask authors about their “process.”  It’s an excellent question because the more new writers learn how others manage the novel-writing process, the more tips, tricks, and methods they can integrate into their own unique process....

The Power of Blood Symbolism

Blood symbolism is vast and wide. Blood is a powerful and often confusing symbol. From the divine to the violent, our fascination with blood infuses our collective consciousness. An entire book could be devoted to the symbolism of blood. And perhaps already has. The...