Male Hero Archetypes

I need a hero….Every novel needs a hero. Not all heroes are the same. There are lots of different kinds of male heroes. Is your hero the classic male alpha hero, warrior hero, beta hero, bad boy, good ruler, or professor hero? This is the 2nd in my archetype...

Female Hero Archetypes

The female is hero is here! And she’s here to stay! I love strong female characters. I love them so much they are in all of my books. Woman power! Yes! There are many different kinds of female heroes. The crusader, librarian, boss, survivor, spunky gal, free...

Overcome Writer’s Block

 Writer’s block. A terrible condition that strikes angst and fear into the hearts and souls of writers the world over. Don’t succumb! There are lots of different reasons why writers and authors come down with a case of writer’s block. Don’t worry,...