by admin | Jan 4, 2022 | Author Advice, Writing Tips
Writers need social media. Beginner and novice writers need social media. Experienced writers need social media. Bestselling authors need social media. Social media helps writers get discovered, grow their platform, and share their knowledge. In this episode, I share... by admin | Jan 4, 2022 | Uncategorized
Writers need more than just a computer and their imagination. They need writing gifts that help them write better and faster. Gifts that inspire and motivate. This Valentine’s Day, get your writing Valentine a gift that says ‘I love that you write.’... by admin | Jan 2, 2022 | Author Advice, Autumn Bardot Interviews, Write A Book, Writing Tips
#historicalfictionchat #historicalfictiondiscussion #historicalfictionresearch Four historical fiction authors talk food and how they integrate into their historical fiction. What did they eat in ancient times? Or medieval? Or even 5O years ago? You might be... by admin | Jan 2, 2022 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
There is a lot to keep organized when you’re writing a novel. Even more when you’re an author. Character charts. Research facts. FaceBook groups. Manuscript drafts. Book marketing and promotion sites. Book reviewers. And so much more! Whether you’re... by admin | Jan 1, 2022 | Author Advice, Write A Book, Writing Tips
Writing a bio for all those social media platforms can be a challenge when you’re a new and beginner writer. But writing a good bio is important. A good bio can help grow your writer network and make more writing connections. Don’t just dash one off. Bios...