Types of Story Conflict

#literaryconflict#storyconflict #storyconflictideas Great plots need lots of conflict. Are you bringing all the different kinds? Because there are a lot of different kinds of conflict. Why does a great novel need lots of conflict? Conflict improves your story’s...

Writing While Working Full-Time

Writing a novel is a challenge. Especially if you work full-time. And that includes staying home to take care of children and loved ones. I love to write, but there is simply not enough time in the day to write as much as I want because….life! How do I find time...

Facebook Zoom Interview Tips

Yay! You got that interview! Now is a great time to market yourself, promote your books and novels, grow your readership, and gain more exposure. Make the most of that Zoom, Youtube, and FaceBook interview. Bad lighting, unflattering angles, and awkward backgrounds...