These 10 rules have helped me live a more satisfied and happier writing life. They were learned the hard way. Juggling writing with working or other full-time responsibilities is often a daily and ongoing struggle of time management and expectations. It can be disappointing and frustrating.
Experience is a great but brutal teacher, yet one that helped me to come to terms with my life, available time, resources, and expectations. Maybe they will help you too.
For and in-depth look at techniques to master showing not telling and ways to amplify characterization take my MASTER CLASS, The Power of Archetype & Write a More Masterful Sentence
A great story has great characters. Memorable characters that leap from the page do more than just entertain. The reader relates and learns from them. Discover how to create believable and nuanced characters that drive plot and enhance conflict by teasing out all the strengths and weaknesses found in archetypes.
There are many ways to tell a story and even more ways to write the scenes and sentences within. An ordinary sentence may move the plot forward, but a masterful sentence or scene does so much more! A purpose-driven scene enhances mood, tone, characterization, conflict, plot, theme, and emotion.
Discover the author techniques and literary devices to create evocative and layered prose that transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. This course provides both a literary and real-life approach to: • characterization • archetypes • authorial techniques • literary devices that will help you master the art of ‘showing vs telling’. * You also get feedback on 10-pages of your manuscript.***